Friday, May 30, 2008


A DOCTOR have to be both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination.hmm.Found this today while aimlessly surfing (when I knew I should be studying instead :P) The site goes "What advanced degree should you get?" and you have to answer some questions before they formulate a result for you..Voila! Well at least the answer corellates with what I'm currentLy doing thogh I am very VERY unhappy with the turn that I've recently taken in my work since this past days..I AM BECOMING A PROCRASTINATOR!! I put off doing what can be done at an earlier time then I end up feeling overwhelmed (and stressed) THINKING of the amount of work waiting for me, make a solemn vow to get half of it finished A.S.A.P., switch on the laptop..then fzzzz! My mind is a blank. the closest example is,i havent finish reading my lecture note yet busy doing all the nonsense thing seperti balik rumah and berkaraoke bersama family.haha...ish.The worst part is that this cycle repeats itself over..and over...and over again like a vicious cycle that I can't break. ..hmph.enuff worrying!hope i didnt redo the same mistake again this year..but if that ever happened,wake me up guys..;)

Maybe it's the holiday mood, or the dry posting or maybe it's my priorities shifting, maybe I'm taking things for granted, or maybe I'm just getting lazy..I don't know...but I do hope that I'll find a way out of this SOON !

love ya all.muahs


Anonymous said...

ignorance is bliss but it's sooo sweeet. kan kan?

Mat Iyas said...

eh...ok pe berkaraoke dgn family...haha...yg tensionnya sbb apak konker kan?hahhaha~

erm~miss u dear